Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Teacher Who Changed My Life

As a young immigrant, Nicholas tried to fit in.  Every kid wants to fit in and be popular.  His mother was killed so her children could join their father in freedom in America! It obviously had to be hard for a young teenager to grow up remembering why he's in America.  The teacher was a very good mentor for him and after she published his essay, his classmates became influenced from him.  My parents have definitely been my biggest influence in life.  They've taught me everything I know.  They have been there for me through everything.  I know I can talk to my parents about anything.  I have learned from my friends mistakes and they have influenced me positively by helping me out.  Friends are always there through thick and thin and they help me grow up and pursue my dreams.m

Friday, May 17, 2013

Native American Poetry

  1. Describe what you think the topic and themes are in each poem.  Who is the speaker?  Who are they speaking to? What is the poet talking about?  What are they trying to convey to the reader?    (Both poems have very different subject matter and style.)
  2. Which poem did you prefer?  Why?  What made that poem stand out to you? (Must be either/or not neither)  Refer to voice, theme, figurative language, etc.

    In both poems I think it's the authors conscious thoughts, talking to someone who's not physically there but spiritually there.  In the one poem the authors talking to his/her mother reminiscing about things that happened in the past.  In the other poem its just talking about the earth and a special someone working together.  They are trying to convey to the reader grief and a sense of sadness.  Yet they want the reader to realize the author is thinking and appreciating the person that's no longer there.  I preferred the poem about his mom because I could relate to rememberence of someone close to you.  It was easier for me to follow and relate to.  I could just picture the author sitting at his moms grave talking to her like remember this day, remember this time, etc.  it was written easily fr someone to relate to and understand and that's why I liked " suburban Indian pride!" 

Adventures of an Indian Princess

It is ironic that the Rapiers knowledge of Cherokee culture is very slim! They really thought the man at the trading post was legitimate when the real Indian daughter knew he wasn't.  they aren't sophisticated at all, they just assume any Indian is the same as there foster daughter. there is also many other ironic situations in this story. my favorite ironic situation in this story was when Arletta thrown up all over all the fake items that the Rapiers bought her.  Its also ironic how the trading post has huge tacky letters for a sign. Lastly, how Arletta knew exactly what tribe the posts owners clothes were from. 
I think the author wrote this story using irony to lighten the mood, because she probably knew some about her Indian culture but not as much as a full Indian would.  She was probably confused just like the Rapiers when she grew up.
I think a good message from this story is influence from others.  Arletta knew the man was a fake Indian but the Rapiers insisted that she get out and take a picture with this fake.  She was kind of pressured from her foster family to do something she knew wasn't her. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona

Victor and Thomas have an interesting relationship.  No matter what happens they're always "bros." Over time, their relationship has been a roller coaster.  They've fought each other, back stabbed each other and  been best friends all at the same time.  I think the trip to Phoenix strengthened their relationship! I think Thomas gets worried about Victors relationship with him because a lot of people don't like him.  Everyone thinks he's weird for having all these stories and thinks Victor lest want anyone to know they are friends.  Victor learned from the trip that Thomas and Vic's dad had a relationship also.  Victors father knew about Thomas visions and even rescued him from miles away. Victor and Thomas have an interesting relationship but with this trip and adulthood they grow closer.

Indians are People, Not Mascots

I think anything should be able to be used as a mascot.  People use mascots as representation and stand up for them, especially in schools and sports teams.  People admire mascots and have a positive spirit towards mascots and teams.  I understand that Indians are people and shouldn't really be used as mascots in a stereotypical "Indian" way, but it's the same for a lot of different mascots.  For example warriors... There is many types of warriors not just ones with hats and swords.  If animals had voices I feel like they'd dislike animal mascots also.  I think they should be appreciative that some place chooses them to represent a group of people, or athletes! People appreciate mascots!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sure You Can Ask Me A personal Question

The person asking questions came off very stereotypically and almost rude.  They have not learned very much about the speaker.   Just because someone's Indian doesn't mean they ar like olden time Native Americans which the questioner knew about.  The stranger could've asked the questions in a more polite way or started simply by asking what ethnicity the author was.  They couldve had a more legitimate conversation if the stranger didn't stereotype or make assumptions and instead asked more reasonable questions.  Asking questions and  talking to others is a wonderful way to learn about others but there is definitely a proper time and place for a conversation of that sort.  Sometimes people ask offensive questions but they may not seem offensive to them.  Listening would be a way better skill if the stranger simply would've asked general questions.  People have conversations with many different types of people and each conversation is different.  There has to be a happy medium somewhere between every conversation.