Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Teacher Who Changed My Life
As a young immigrant, Nicholas tried to fit in. Every kid wants to fit in and be popular. His mother was killed so her children could join their father in freedom in America! It obviously had to be hard for a young teenager to grow up remembering why he's in America. The teacher was a very good mentor for him and after she published his essay, his classmates became influenced from him. My parents have definitely been my biggest influence in life. They've taught me everything I know. They have been there for me through everything. I know I can talk to my parents about anything. I have learned from my friends mistakes and they have influenced me positively by helping me out. Friends are always there through thick and thin and they help me grow up and pursue my dreams.m
Friday, May 17, 2013
Native American Poetry
- Describe what you think the topic and themes are in each poem. Who is the speaker? Who are they speaking to? What is the poet talking about? What are they trying to convey to the reader? (Both poems have very different subject matter and style.)
- Which poem did you prefer? Why? What made that poem stand out to you? (Must be either/or not neither) Refer to voice, theme, figurative language, etc.
In both poems I think it's the authors conscious thoughts, talking to someone who's not physically there but spiritually there. In the one poem the authors talking to his/her mother reminiscing about things that happened in the past. In the other poem its just talking about the earth and a special someone working together. They are trying to convey to the reader grief and a sense of sadness. Yet they want the reader to realize the author is thinking and appreciating the person that's no longer there. I preferred the poem about his mom because I could relate to rememberence of someone close to you. It was easier for me to follow and relate to. I could just picture the author sitting at his moms grave talking to her like remember this day, remember this time, etc. it was written easily fr someone to relate to and understand and that's why I liked " suburban Indian pride!"
Adventures of an Indian Princess
It is ironic that the Rapiers knowledge of Cherokee culture is very slim! They really thought the man at the trading post was legitimate when the real Indian daughter knew he wasn't. they aren't sophisticated at all, they just assume any Indian is the same as there foster daughter. there is also many other ironic situations in this story. my favorite ironic situation in this story was when Arletta thrown up all over all the fake items that the Rapiers bought her. Its also ironic how the trading post has huge tacky letters for a sign. Lastly, how Arletta knew exactly what tribe the posts owners clothes were from.
I think the author wrote this story using irony to lighten the mood, because she probably knew some about her Indian culture but not as much as a full Indian would. She was probably confused just like the Rapiers when she grew up.
I think a good message from this story is influence from others. Arletta knew the man was a fake Indian but the Rapiers insisted that she get out and take a picture with this fake. She was kind of pressured from her foster family to do something she knew wasn't her.
I think a good message from this story is influence from others. Arletta knew the man was a fake Indian but the Rapiers insisted that she get out and take a picture with this fake. She was kind of pressured from her foster family to do something she knew wasn't her.
Monday, May 13, 2013
This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona
Victor and Thomas have an interesting relationship. No matter what happens they're always "bros." Over time, their relationship has been a roller coaster. They've fought each other, back stabbed each other and been best friends all at the same time. I think the trip to Phoenix strengthened their relationship! I think Thomas gets worried about Victors relationship with him because a lot of people don't like him. Everyone thinks he's weird for having all these stories and thinks Victor lest want anyone to know they are friends. Victor learned from the trip that Thomas and Vic's dad had a relationship also. Victors father knew about Thomas visions and even rescued him from miles away. Victor and Thomas have an interesting relationship but with this trip and adulthood they grow closer.
Indians are People, Not Mascots
I think anything should be able to be used as a mascot. People use mascots as representation and stand up for them, especially in schools and sports teams. People admire mascots and have a positive spirit towards mascots and teams. I understand that Indians are people and shouldn't really be used as mascots in a stereotypical "Indian" way, but it's the same for a lot of different mascots. For example warriors... There is many types of warriors not just ones with hats and swords. If animals had voices I feel like they'd dislike animal mascots also. I think they should be appreciative that some place chooses them to represent a group of people, or athletes! People appreciate mascots!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Sure You Can Ask Me A personal Question
The person asking questions came off very stereotypically and almost rude. They have not learned very much about the speaker. Just because someone's Indian doesn't mean they ar like olden time Native Americans which the questioner knew about. The stranger could've asked the questions in a more polite way or started simply by asking what ethnicity the author was. They couldve had a more legitimate conversation if the stranger didn't stereotype or make assumptions and instead asked more reasonable questions. Asking questions and talking to others is a wonderful way to learn about others but there is definitely a proper time and place for a conversation of that sort. Sometimes people ask offensive questions but they may not seem offensive to them. Listening would be a way better skill if the stranger simply would've asked general questions. People have conversations with many different types of people and each conversation is different. There has to be a happy medium somewhere between every conversation.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Like Mexicans
The authors mother and Grandmother would really like him to marry a Mexican, but instead he falls in love with a Japanese woman. The author is concerned that his family will disapprove of his fiancée and he isn't sure if there cultures will mix. I think family plays a big part in relationships but it all comes down to the couple themselves. If they can work around the way their family is and be there own person there relationship will probably be good.
I definitely think it would be hard to marry someone of a different culture. I feel like children wouldn't know what culture they wanna grow up in. It might be good to experience another culture and be accepted. Yet at the same time they might feel the same way the authors mother and grandmother did. They obviously want someone that lives the same way you live, but now a days society changes and it becomes more acceptable to marry someone of another race,religion, or social class. There would be a lot of changing for each other and meeting in the middle, especially if it was another religion. It would be cool if two people of different types could have a happy marriage.
Monday, April 22, 2013
First Love
I think our book is full of memoirs because other people can relate to them easily. They are real life events that a lot of people go or went through. Memoirs are suitable for exploring diversity because different cultures experience different things. People can relate to memoirs about their same culture, or see differences between one culture and their own. I think we get fascinated with the way others live. We might think our life is so horrible but then we see or hear about other people and think what it would be like to walk in their shoes. Memoirs are a very good way to hear about what other people go through and learn about different people's lives.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Familiar Strangers
I have definitely been stereotyped and have stereotyped others. I get called a dumb blonde a lot; I might not be the street smartest but I am book smart! Being a young adult I get called naive and immature but all older teens act differently. There's for sure stereotypes about girls, that they're cry baby's, or suck at sports, or are weak. People up north call me ghetto for living in a city but they live in the country,it's just a different experience. People call me trashy and poor for shopping at goodwill, but in all reality I have probably double the clothes because it saves me so much money. People would never picture me listening to rap or hip hop but that's the music I like, people think I'm a country girl.
I know I've looked at people and automatically judged them based on what they were wearing, what their hair looked like, or how they talked. It is a bad thing to do, but a lot of people are judgmental and it just comes naturally to humans. I think it effects us in a way it shouldn't. You shouldn't look at someone and automatically think something, especially for as much as people say everyone's the same and equality and all that stuff, no people are different! You can't judge someone before you even know them.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
“Roots: Random Thoughts on Random Hair”
I think a "whack color game" fits society even today! Everyone wants to fit in and be the same but frankly we aren't. Some people can't face the facts that everyone is different, but difference can still be accepted. Race is one of the easiest ways to discriminate someone, it's obvious, unlike someone's lack of knowledge. America focuses on race many different ways. I think a good example is like Indian summer, and Irish fest, and all the different heritage festivals that are available for people of that race to attend. Races are stereotypes, and it's hard to be mixed between two different stereotypes.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
What Means Switch
Mona hangs out with the cool kids, talks like them, follows them, she obviously wants to fit in. She's totally different in school than with her family. She goes through a lot with her family, school, and the foreign exchange boy. All those experiences set her up for her future, whether it's saying goodbye, or simply just fitting in. You can't always make everyone happy, and growing up I know parents will get disappointed in their children, but there comes a time for someone to be there own person and not just a follower.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Aliens in America
Kaitlin holds a grudge against her father throughout the whole story. It seemed to originate when she moved out an her mother passed away. Her father wanted to move on and she didn't like that idea. She doesn't stay in contact with her father and she doesn't talk to him about their issues as a family, instead she holds a grudge and doesn't try to fix it. The authors tone is serious yet sincere at the same time, she has a lot of memories yet doesn't want new ones with a new mother. I think many kids don't want another person trying to play mom or dad, especially with the author and he sister being so old, they are ready to do their own thing, not start a new family. I think if you talk about it and move on and give it a try, families can definitely work it out.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Double Impulse
What double impulse does the writer experience in the story? How does the experience of internment influence the author? What do you learn about outside influences from reading this section? How are you affected by outside influences?
The writer had the urge to disappear but the desire to be acceptable at the same time. The internment camp leaves the author thinking that's how she should be treated even when she's living a normal free life, which is wrong. I learned that outside influences make a big difference in people's lives. People want to be accepted and feel welcome. Especially with all this happening during her growing years, she will grow up thinking discrimination and feeling left out, which once again is not right. The perfect example of outside influences on me is ever pressure. Being 18 years old, you get pressured into a lot of things you might not necessarily want to do. In the story the girl getting left out just because her culture messed something up is messed up, just because I have blonde hair doesn't mean I'm a dumb blonde. People need to get to know someone before assuming and jumping to conclusions.
The writer had the urge to disappear but the desire to be acceptable at the same time. The internment camp leaves the author thinking that's how she should be treated even when she's living a normal free life, which is wrong. I learned that outside influences make a big difference in people's lives. People want to be accepted and feel welcome. Especially with all this happening during her growing years, she will grow up thinking discrimination and feeling left out, which once again is not right. The perfect example of outside influences on me is ever pressure. Being 18 years old, you get pressured into a lot of things you might not necessarily want to do. In the story the girl getting left out just because her culture messed something up is messed up, just because I have blonde hair doesn't mean I'm a dumb blonde. People need to get to know someone before assuming and jumping to conclusions.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Two Kinds
- Do parents’ high expectations encourage children to be their best or discourage them by setting them up to fail? Explain. Use examples from your life or the story.
Parents should have expectations for their children but their expectations should be reasonable. Children think they know best but in reality kids should listen to their parents more often. If parents have unreasonable expectations, they are setting their children up for failure, especially if its something the kid doesn't wanna do. I can relate to parents having too high of standards because I know multiple parents that want their children to have straight A's and perfect attendance. Sorry parents but no ones perfect. If parents used positive reinforcement by appreciating their child's hardest work, kids would definately try the best of their ability and it would be very encouraging.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Struggle to be an all American girl!
- Why is it hard for children in any culture to relate to their parents’ ideas about what’s best for them?
- Do students typically feel a “disconnect” with their parents’ backgrounds or cultural traditions?
- What might help students be open to learning from their parents’ experiences?
It is definitely hard for children to relate to parents ideas in many circumstances. Parents pass down how they were raised but society changes usually an individuals customs stay the same. Children think they are smart and know everything but honestly, they don't. Parents want their children raised a specific way.
I think students do feel a disconnect from parents background and culture, especially if your parents are of different cultures. It's hard to balance both into a child's life. If I'm German and don live in Germany, it's hard to bring the German culture to your life.
Students would probably love to learn about their parents and how hey grew up because its definitely different than how we grow up today. At the same time, parents can't force their children to learn because it will make them care less about their parents life's.
I think students do feel a disconnect from parents background and culture, especially if your parents are of different cultures. It's hard to balance both into a child's life. If I'm German and don live in Germany, it's hard to bring the German culture to your life.
Students would probably love to learn about their parents and how hey grew up because its definitely different than how we grow up today. At the same time, parents can't force their children to learn because it will make them care less about their parents life's.
My Poem
The Media
The public eye
Changing people's opinions
Making girls cry
Full of lies and doubts
To society it's perfect
It's not
The silent killer
Affects us all
The media
The public eye
Changing people's opinions
Making girls cry
Full of lies and doubts
To society it's perfect
It's not
The silent killer
Affects us all
The media
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Mother to Son
Mother to Son
Well, son, I'll tell you:
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I'se been a-climbin' on,
And reachin' landin's,
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark
Where there ain't been no light.
So, boy, don't you turn back.
Don't you set down on the steps.
'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.
Don't you fall now—
For I'se still goin', honey,
I'se still climbin',
And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.

Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I'se been a-climbin' on,
And reachin' landin's,
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark
Where there ain't been no light.
So, boy, don't you turn back.
Don't you set down on the steps.
'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.
Don't you fall now—
For I'se still goin', honey,
I'se still climbin',
And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Poverty Community
I think living in a community like Harlem in " The Baddest Dog in Harlem," definitely affects everyone that lives there. People act how they are taught and what they see on a daily basis. I think if you grow up in crime and poverty you will live that way until YOU change the way you live. I feel like the majority of people that live in towns like that are used to the way they live and don't want to change. People can try to change it all they want but until the people decide to change it will remain how it's always been. If you grow up with a parent that smokes, you are more likely to smoke than someone who's parent don't smoke. I think the same goes for someone that grows up in violence, crime, and poverty. If that is all you know, you will pass that on through generations of your family.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Black Men and Public Space
In the stories they speak of topics of violence, crime, poverty, and racism in different ways in the public eye. In the article they talk about racism of African Americans in the media and in the economic and social viewpoint. They talk about how dark skinned blacks get treated worse than light skinned blacks, and I definitely agree. In today's tv shows especially, you notice the darker the skin the more trouble you are, weather you're a boy or girl. Ive ever experienced a racist statement to me but me being a teenage girl, I get treated way differently than a middle aged woman, let alone an elderly woman. I think things like this happen just because of the way society changes, I know for a fact the younger we are the more accepting we are. Older people ( grandmas, and grandpas ) tend to stick to tradition, where they are more crotchety and only know what they grew up with unlike us teens today who grew up with all different races. Until all the old people die, I think it will continue to happen. They want what they have always had, and don't like change.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Gordon Parks ( Choice of Weapons )
How do you think a camera can be used as a weapon? What other nonviolent “weapons” might be effective in the battle against injustice?
A camera can be used as a weapon in various ways. It can capture pictures that someone might not want others to see. It can be a good source of evidence for many events. In today's society I would definitely say Facebook, twitter, and other social media sites are sources of nonviolent weapons. People get bullied a lot over those sites because you're hidden behind a computer. There is many "weapons" that you wouldn't think of on the daily basis, but you can take items and use them against someone or even yourself.
A camera can be used as a weapon in various ways. It can capture pictures that someone might not want others to see. It can be a good source of evidence for many events. In today's society I would definitely say Facebook, twitter, and other social media sites are sources of nonviolent weapons. People get bullied a lot over those sites because you're hidden behind a computer. There is many "weapons" that you wouldn't think of on the daily basis, but you can take items and use them against someone or even yourself.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Why do people write autobiographies?
People write autobiographies for many reasons. One main reason people write about their life is because they think they had an experience or multiple experiences that could help, inspire, or teach people. Some authors feel their life is important and others should know about it. Many authors write for their future kids, grand kids, and so on, so they can read and learn about their ancestor. Lastly, I think some people write just for the money! You can easily write about your life, even if its nothing special, and make money off selling your book.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
My background
I was born and raised in West Allis, WI. My parents are married and have three children. They are both catholic and raised us children in that faith too. My mom is 50 % German and 50% Swedish. My dad is 75 % German and 25% Austrian. So I guess that makes me 65% German 25 % Swedish and 10 % Austrian. My parents both grew up in Wisconsin, my mom in West Allis, and my dad around the state. They were both raised in catholic married families, with multiple siblings. My great-grandpa on my moms side came from Germany to the United States in the late 20s and brought my great grandma and my grandma over in the early 30s. He returned from being drafted in the Nazi army. My Swedish grandpa grew up in the United States and after going to Marquette for college he was drafted for the Packers football team. I think he went into the army instead, or got a full time job. He helped design the Jones Island place downtown Milwaukee. I don't know much about my dads side of the family but they do have a special food they make, Poppy noodles! They grind up poppy seeds and put them on flour sugar noodles. I don't know where it originated but it's kind of a cool tradition. Lastly, we celebrate all the normal catholic holidays like Easter and Christmas. We do hide a pickle in the tree at Christmas time to see who opens up the first gift. Other than that I don't really have any traditions that are " unusual " in the United States.
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